One-third of Kazakhstan flaxseed exported to China
據烏克蘭農業咨詢機構APK Inform 報道,按哈薩克斯坦政府1月12日公布的官方數據,截至目前,中國成為哈薩克斯坦亞麻籽的主要進口國。
According to official data released by the Kazakh government on January 12, China has so far become the main importer of flaxseed from Kazakhstan, Ukrainian agricultural advisory agency APK Inform reported.
In April 2019, during the second "One Belt One Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum, the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan and the General Administration of Customs of China signed the "Protocol on Phytosanitary Requirements for the Export of Kazakhstan Wheat Flour to China". In September 2019, during Kazakhstan's President Tokayev's visit to China, the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan and the General Administration of Customs of China signed the "Protocol on Plant Quarantine Requirements for Kazakhstan Flaxseed Exported to China." The signing of the "Protocol" provides the possibility for Kazakhstan wheat flour and linseed producers to enter the Chinese market.
Since China opened its market to Kazakhstan flaxseed last year, China imported 50,900 tons of flaxseed in the three months of 2020/21 (September-November), accounting for 37% of Kazakhstan's flaxseed exports.
APK said that during this period, Kazakhstan exported a total of 137,700 tons of flaxseed (excluding supply to the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)), which was lower than the 150,400 tons in the same period of the previous year. However, due to China's strengthened quarantine measures and prohibits the loading of all types of goods (except containerized goods) into China through the border port Dostic-Alashankou, supply has recently been interrupted.
從9月到11月,哈薩克斯坦亞麻籽對歐盟的出口總量為75500噸,而2019/20年同期為113400噸。據APK Inform稱,對歐盟的出口減少是由于本年度哈薩克斯坦亞麻籽供應減少以及來自中國的競爭。
From September to November, Kazakhstan's flaxseed exports to the EU totaled 75,500 tons, compared with 113,400 tons in the same period in 2019/20. According to APK Inform, the decrease in exports to the EU is due to the reduced supply of flaxseed from Kazakhstan this year and competition from China.
Flaxseed, commonly known as flax, is an important oil crop. It is mainly produced in the alpine regions of North China and Northwest China. In recent years, due to its low output and poor economic benefits, the planting area has been greatly reduced, and domestic flaxseed is far from being able to meet the needs of the production, processing and consumer market.
In recent years, the enthusiasm of Kazakh farmers to plant flax has continued to increase. The reason is that flax is cheap and easy to plant, and the price of flaxseed is much higher than that of wheat. Kazakhstan's flaxseed output and the number of production enterprises have increased significantly. In just a few years, Kazakhstan has become one of the main exporters of flaxseed and flaxseed oil, exporting a large amount to European and Asian countries every year. China is one of the main export destination countries of Kazakhstan flax products.
聯系人: 閆經理 0372-8112798